
Entity Definition

Logical Name : StoredValueInstrument

A plastic card, paper document, key fob or other token that carries a credit balance that may be used to pay for (debit) customer purchases or in tender exchanges (converting the stored value into another tender media like cash, credit/debit card credit, send check, etc.). StoredValueInstruments are used like money but are paper or digital surrogates that are typically purchased and have value added to them in exchange for "real" money. As the name suggests, these entities retain value and may be used to make purchases. Typically stored value instruments may be added to or subtracted from through retail sales and return transactions. The attributes and definition for this entity are taken from POSLOG6 NOTE: StoredValueInstruments, as modeled in ARTS ODM V7.3 are NOT the same thing as COUPONS and VOUCHERS. This distinction is important. StoredValueInstruments function like tender. MANUFACTURER COUPONS are a form of discount. Now manufacturer discounts may be processed as a form of tender in a retail point of sale system. But they are NOT MONEY EQUIVALENTS. Manufacturer coupons are a kind of receivable that the retailer books with the intent of collecting from the manufactuer. This may be confusing but it makes sense. StoredValueInstruments are like money. Manufacturer coupons are like an IOU that retailers will collect on later. RETAILER COUPONS are discounts. They are debited as a point of sale markdown by the retailer. They do NOT represent a payment of any kind. They are NOT money surrogates. They are completely different from StoredValueInstruments VOUCHERS are a kind of deferred discount document. In ARTS, VOUCHERS are NOT money surrogates. They are treated as point of sale markdowns or discount expenses when processed at the point of sale. In ARTS ODM V7.3 a car wash token, free meal punch card, etc. are kinds of VOUCHERS - they represent stored discounts NOT stored money. Services like COINSTAR that aggregate customer change and issue documents they call "vouchers" are, in ARTS, a StoredValueInstrument. They take in real money and issue a document that may be used like money -- it is NOT a DISCOUNT.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
StoredValueInstrumentID (PK) A token ID for a StoredValueInstrument ID_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT Identity integer
StoredValueInstrumentTypeCode (FK) An ARTS standard code to designate the category of a StoredValueInstrument. POSLOG6 values are: GiftCard GiftCertificate PhoneCard SmartCard OnlineVoucher CarwashVoucher CD_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT_TYP Code varchar(20) StoredValueInstrumentType(CO_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT_TYP)
StoredValueInstrumentStateCode Indicates the current status of this StoreValueInstrument. Valid values based on POSLOG6 are: Active Inactive Expired Stolen Damaged CD_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT_ST Code varchar(20)
ActivationDateTime The date and time where this StoredValueInstrument is activated for use by a customer. DT_ACV_DT_TM DateTime datetime
IdentificationTypeCode The category of identification a customer must present to authenticate their right to purchase or redeem a StoredValueInstrument. There may be age restrictions governing the sale and redemption of gift cards. A drivers license, for example, may be used to verify a customer's age. NOTE: POSLOG6 has a separate element called PersonalIdentificationType that has an enumerated value list. Should we use that inplace of "IdentificationType"? POSLOG6 Valid values for PERSONAL IdentificationType are: AccountID DUNS GLN StoreID TaxID DriversLicense BusinessID MilitaryID Passport CreditCard NationalIdentityCard CD_IDTN_TYP Code varchar(20)
Description Short narrative description of the StoredValueInstrument DE_DSCR DescriptionShort varchar(255)
SerialNumber A unique identifying BUSINESS number assigned to the stored value instrument. AI_SRL_NMB Identity integer
FaceValueAmount The face value assigned to the StoredValueInstrument. For example a $25 gift card has a face value of $25. Its actual balance changes as it is used to purchase items or recharged (added to). MO_FC_VL_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
UnspentAmount The monetary value balance remaining on the StoredValueInstrument. MO_UNSP_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
ExpirationDate The date when the StoredValueInstrument is nolonger active. DC_EP_DT DateCalendar date
CustomerAccountID (FK) A unique identifier for a customer account. ID_CTAC Identity integer CustomerStoredValueAccount(LE_CT_STRD_VL_ACNT)
VoucherInChangeAmount The monetary value of the change that has been given as a voucher. MO_VCHR_IN_CHN_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
Issuing (FK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_STR_RTL_ISSNG Identity integer RetailStore(PA_STR_RTL)
StatusCode Code that indicates the current state of the StoredValueInstrument. Valid values: A = Active I = Inactive CD_STS Code2Status char(2)
ISOCurrencyCode (FK) Currency code designated by ISO to identify national currency CD_CNY_ISO_4217 ISO_4217_CurrencyCode_char(3) char(3) ISO4217-CurrencyType(LU_CNY_ISO_4217)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerStoredValueAccount owns StoredValueInstrument
ISO4217-CurrencyType defines nationay currency of StoredValueInstrument
StoredValueInstrumentType classifies StoredValueInstrument
RetailStore issues StoredValueInstrument
StoredValueInstrument is referenced by StoredValueControlTransaction
StoredValueInstrument is altered by StoredValueTransaction
StoredValueInstrument provides funds for StoredValueTenderLineItem
StoredValueInstrument sales recorded by StoredValueFundSaleLineItem
StoredValueInstrument is extended by StoredValueCardSupplement
StoredValueInstrument is memorialized through StoredValueInstrumentDocument

Logical Views containing StoredValueInstrument

Logical View
Logical 01420 - Prepaid and Stored Value Payment Instruments
Logical 02310 - Retail Transaction - Item Sale View
Logical 02311 - Retail Transaction Item KIT Sale View
Logical 02390 - Retail Transaction - Stored Value Instrument
Logical 02500 - Tender Control Transaction - Macro View
Logical 02510 - Tender Control Transaction - Movement View
Logical 04100 - Financial Ledger - Retail Transaction View